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Access Audits – Existing Facilities
Inclusive Access Solutions specialise in the provision of comprehensive, detailed, and concise access audits that assess the accessibility of your premises against a pre-determined criteria or set of standards, commonly the;

  • Australian Disability (Access to Premises – Buildings) Standards
  • Australian Standards (AS1428 series)
  • Building Code of Australia (BCA); and/or,
  • Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) of Australia.

Access audits provide businesses with a thorough, detailed assessment of the accessibility of their services/premises. The report produced as a result of the access audit informs businesses of the various barriers preventing access to their service/premises. Facility Owners/Managers are then empowered to make informed decisions regarding the improvements required.

Our team can assist your business to identify which barriers are of highest priority, enabling our business to adopt a planned, methodical, and affordable approach to achieving better access.

In most instances, our team at Inclusive Access Solutions can offer advice on practical solutions to resolve identified barriers and to help your business satisfy the objectives of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA).

Access barriers are often overlooked or go undetected for many years, with the damage to business reputation and/or potential revenue extremely costly. An access audit conducted by Inclusive Access Solutions will give consideration to your entire premises and will include assessment of the following features;

  • Car parking
  • External accessways
  • Entrances
  • Internal accessways
  • Stairs/Ramps/Lifts
  • Toilets and change facilities
  • Emergency egress
  • Customer service areas
  • Meeting spaces
  • Kitchen and dining areas
  • Office spaces and work stations
  • Spectator facilities
  • Ground surfaces and,
  • Signage.

Audits conducted by the team at Inclusive Access Solutions are backed by the confidence that our key staff have over 15 years of lived experience in the disability field.

Access Appraisals – New Builds/Construction and Existing Facilities
Like an Access Audit, Access Appraisals provide assessment of the accessibility of a premises. Less detailed than an Access Audit, an Access Appraisal can give a brief report that identifies and informs businesses/organisations of the obvious, high-priority barriers preventing access to their service/premises.

Access barriers are often overlooked or go undetected for many years, with the damage to business reputation and/or potential revenue extremely costly.

In most instances, our team at Inclusive Access Solutions can offer advice on practical solutions to resolve identified barriers and to help your business satisfy the objectives of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA).

An Access Appraisal conducted by Inclusive Access Solutions will give consideration to the key features of your premises, including;

  • Car parking
  • External accessways
  • Entrances
  • Internal accessways
  • Toilets
  • Stairs/Ramps/Lifts and,
  • Emergency egress.

Facility Owners/Managers can use Access Appraisals to address the high-priority access issues preventing access to their facilities/services. Owners/Managers can then use this broad assessment to make informed decisions regarding the high-priority improvements required.

Accessibility Action Plan Development

The provision of accessible facilities and services is essential to creating or maintaining a successful business. One in five people in Australia have a disability. When we also take into account their friends, relations and colleagues (who are also affected by discriminatory), it is clear that eliminating discrimination makes good business sense.

“The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) makes it unlawful to discriminate, in the provision of goods, services or facilities, against people on the basis that they have, or may have, a disability. It also makes it unlawful to discriminate against a person on the basis that one of her or his associates has, or may have, a disability¹.”

An Accessibility Action Plan (previously referred to as Disability Action Plans) is a public document created to shape and describe an organisation’s commitment to diversity and inclusion for people with disability. An Accessibility Action Plan (AAP) informs the public of how an organisation is making its workplace, products and services accessible to people with disability.

Implementing an AAP will assist to increase your market share and enhance the image of your business. It can also assist your business to minimise the likelihood of costly litigation, resulting from a complaint lodged under the DDA.

Inclusive Access Solutions can develop and/or work alongside your staff to help develop a comprehensive AAP that will assist your company/organisation to set its new vision as an inclusive service provider/business.

For more information relating to the needs and benefits of implementing an AAP, refer to the Australian Human Rights Commission website.

¹Australian Human Rights Commission Disability Action Plans: A guide for businesses (2015)

Access Advice on proposed Renovations and Refurbishments – Commercial and Residential
Inclusive Access Solutions understands that every person with a disability has different abilities and needs. Our Design and Access Consultants are available to come into your home or business and offer accessible living solutions specifically tailored to the client’s needs/abilities.

Our Access Consultants are available to provide access advice to home/business owners regarding the essential access elements that must be considered when undertaking a renovation or refurbishment.

Many business/facility managers/owners do not realise that, any renovation or refurbishment that requires Development Approval (DA) and/or Building Approval (BA) must meet the Australian Disability (Access to Premises – Buildings) Standards. These standards stipulate that, not only does the newly renovated space need to meet standards, but as do the followings areas:

  • the principal pedestrian entrance of an existing building that contains a new part; and
  • any part of an existing building, that contains a new part, that is necessary to provide a continuous accessible path of travel from the entrance to the new part.1

In other words, not only do you need to make the new part accessible, but also your entrance and the path of travel between the entrance and the new part!

The team at Inclusive Access Solutions can assist in navigating the “minefield” of Codes and Standards that must be satisfied when considering a renovation or refurbishment.

Through our 15 years of lived experience and studies in the field, our team can also offer practical solutions to your access issues.

If you’re considering a renovation or refurbishment, the team at Inclusive Access Solutions can assist you to ensure that your plans are inclusive of people all abilities.

Accessible Interior Design – “Because ‘accessible’ doesn’t have to mean ‘ugly’”
While our Access Consultants bring the practicality and legislation to the fore, our Accessible Interior Design service is driven by the belief that “accessible” doesn’t have to mean “ugly”. Our creative designers provide ideas that make your home/business not only accessible but accessible and beautiful.

Our stylish interior designs help people with disability and their families to reduce the stigma of accessible features. Our Accessible Interior Design service helps our clients to keep their home functional without feeling like a hospital.

With reference to the Liveable Housing Guidelines of Australia, the team at Inclusive Access Solutions can help you find solutions to your access issues whilst maintaining character, appeal, and re-sale value.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has presented people with disability and their families an unprecedented opportunity to modify their homes to meet their needs. Bathroom renovations, ramp installation, accessible kitchens, functional living and outdoor areas are all eligible modifications under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Of course, home renovations aren’t something that can be taken lightly. Functionality, aesthetics, usability and re-sale value all need to be considered when undertaking these types of projects. The team at Inclusive Access Solutions can help you create a functional yet beautiful home that maintains its value and liveability.

After all, your home is not a hospital!

Workplace Assessments
An accessible workplace is a productive workplace.

Are you a person with disability whose performance at work is being restricted though access barriers?

Are you an employer who is thinking of employing someone with a disability?

Perhaps one of your staff members has acquired a disability and is planning on returning to work?

Whatever the case, the team at Inclusive Access Solutions can provide advice and insight into making your workplace accessible for people of all abilities. We can conduct full Access Audits or a less-detailed Access Appraisal on the workplace, as well as provide advice on assistive technologies available to people with disability to maximise their productivity at work.

Funding advice is also available, in case funding is a barrier to purchasing equipment or undertaking the required works.

Disability Awareness Presentations
Disability awareness presentations provided by Inclusive Access Solutions provide your business, school or community organisation with a unique insight into the challenges and triumphs for people with disability.

Our presenters speak from first-hand experience of living with disability. We draw upon local and global experiences of work, travel and family. As well as our experience in accessing business and community services – what’s great and what’s not so great.

No topic is taboo and no questions are too confronting.

Our presentations can be tailored to suit your organisation’s need, with topics including;

  • Preferred use of language and terminology
  • Interacting with a person/customer with disability
  • The benefits of an accessible society
  • Personal experiences
  • Daily living challenges and,
  • Stories on inspiring personal achievements.

Inclusive Access Solutions’ disability awareness presentations are perfect for staff training exercises, conferences, school groups, university lectures, and more. Whatever your requirement, the team at Inclusive Access Solutions can help to achieve your aim to increase disability awareness in your business, school or organisation.

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